Extra Slots 1 Mhw

admin  4/11/2022

Since the Guidling Lands can seem a bit overwhelming for solo hunters (and hunters in general) I figured I go ahead and put something together to help my fellow hunters map out a plan for how they want to take them on. As someone who primarily hunts solo I've spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out the best way of tackling the Guiding Lands with respect not only obtaining the crazy amount of materials you need for augmenting weapons but for figuring out how to get the materials needed for upgrading charms while doing so.

The Basics
The Guiding Lands is broken up into six areas called biomes and each of the biomes contains two zones. Each biome can be leveled up seven times with certain levels available only after Master Rank (MR) caps have been removed. Level 5 biomes are unlocked after the MR49 cap has been removed, level 6 biomes are unlocked after the MR69 cap has been removed and level 7 biomes are unlocked after the MR99 cap has been removed. Biomes are leveled up by gathering tracks, breaking monster parts and capturing/killing monsters. As a biome levels up tempered versions of the monsters that spawn in that biome replace the non-tempered versions. You can go here for a list of what monsters spawn where and at what biome level they become tempered. The current cap for total biome levels is 27.

General Tips
It is highly recommended that you readjust your armor set(s) to add the Fortify skill and one level of the Geology skill. You don't lose any rewards for fainting outside of battle in the Guiding Lands so the 20% boost to attack and defense from Fortify is immensely helpful. One level in the Geology skill allows you to pick up most shinies twice. While the devs opted to not remove this (what seems to be) exploit via a patch yet it doesn't mean it won't eventually removed and, as such, you should definitely take advantage of it as most of the materials you obtain from the Guiding Lands are from shinies. Lastly, obtain every monster specific Guiding Lands material from each non-tempered monster at least once. This will allow you to meld that item later which is needed in cases where the biome they spawn in only spawns the tempered version of that monster. You don't need to kill/capture the monster, just flinch shot them into a wall and pick up the shinies.

Sep 04, 2019 Grants growth up S on all culture slots. Complete the Sprouting an Ancient Tree delivery request. Culture Slot Upgrade 1: Adds one culture slot to cultivate two kinds of materials (or duplicates) at a time. Complete the 4★ Persistent Pests optional quest. Mega Fertilizer (fertilizer) Grants plant harvest up L on all culture slots. Extra Slots Adds extra slots for more augments. The first level adds 2 slots. Attack Increase Adds 16 points of raw damage to a weapon. Affinity Increase Increases affinity by 10%. Defense Increase Adds +15 defense. Slot Augment Adds a slot on your weapon for jewels or decorations. First level adds a level 1 slot. Augmentations in Monster Hunter World (MHW) are enhancements that can change the way an equipment build performs by boosting offensive power, survivability, or utility. Upgrades bring an Armor piece or Weapon to the next level or stage, permanently boosting their stats. Both Augmentations and Upgrades can be applied at the Smithy.

Figuring Out Which Biomes to Focus On
It's recommended to know which specific weapons to want to augment and what charms you want to craft as this will allow you map a path. Below are tables listing materials that can only be obtained from specifically leveled biomes for both augmenting and for current popular charms. For a list of most Guiding Lands materials needed for both augmenting and charms you can go here.

Charm Upgrades
Awakening Charm IIICoral Region7
Challenger Charm IVWildspire Region6
Earplugs Charm IVForest Region6
Rotted Region7
Flood Charm VCoral Region5
Focus Charm IIIRotted Region7
Guardian Charm IIICoral Region7
Ironside Charm VRotted Region4
Shock Charm VForest Region4
Augmenting Materials
R10Affinity IIIForest Region4
Attack IIWildspire Region5
Ele/Status IIICoral Region5
Extra Slots IIITundra Region5
Health IIIRotted Region7
Deco Slot IWildspire Region3
R11Affinity IIIVolcanic Region7
Attack IICoral Region5
Defense IIIWildspire Region2
Defense IVWildspire Region4
Ele/Status IIIRotted Region5
Extra Slots IIITundra Region6
Health IForest Region6
Deco Slot IWildspire Region6
R12Ele/Status IRotted Region4
Ele/Status IIRotted Region6
Ele/Status IIIWildspire Region7
Extra Slots IIITundra Region7
Health ICoral Region7
R10-12Extra Slots IIVolcanic Region7

Biome Leveling Route
In terms of what your biomes will end up looking like depends on the level of effort your patient enough to put in. Below is the most ideal biome leveling up route in terms of the total number monsters (including all elders) you'll be able to hunt in the end, but it involves leveling up one biome to level 6 and two biomes to level 7 in order to gain access to materials than you can meld later if you find yourself needing them.

If you don't have the patience for that route then the route you should take depends on what weapons you use. If your augmentation plan doesn't require multiple levels of element/status and none of your charms require materials from the Wildspire Region and Rotten Region level 7 biomes then below is your most ideal route.


If your augmentation plan does require multiple levels of element/status (e.g. bow) or your charms require materials from the Rotten Region biome then below is your most ideal route. If you need materials from the Wildspire Region biome as well just level that biome up to level 7 before taking on this route. Keep in mind that by going this route you will not be able to augment any R11 weapon for health.

Leveling Up Specific Biomes
When first traveling to the Guiding Lands you'll see a list of three monsters that are currently available for hunting. Most monsters spawn in several biomes, but some monsters only spawn in one specific biome. The most efficient way of leveling up a specific biome is to gather the tracks of and capture (slay for Elders) the strongest available monster in that biome only if that monster spawns in two biomes at most (ideal is a single biome spawning monster). If a monster spawns in more than two biomes then the points distribution between the other biomes is not worth it versus hunting a monster a bit less strong that spawns in two biomes or less.

When you actually load into the Guiding Lands you'll be able to see which biome a monster has spawned in by opening your map and looking in the bottom left corner. Below is my recommended path of leveling for each specific biome if you want to focus on just getting that biome to level 7. Throw in some monsters that spawn in two biomes for more variety. Monsters marked with a * only spawn in that biome.

Forest Region1Great Jagras*
Forest Region2Nargacuga
Forest Region3Azure Rathalos
Yian Garuga*
Forest Region4Tobi-Kadachi (T1)*
Forest Region5Kushala Daora
Rathalos (T2)
Tobi-Kadachi (T1)*
Forest Region6Azure Rathalos (T2)
Nargacuga (T2)
Scarred Yian Garuga (T2)*
Zinogre (T2)
Wildspire Region1Barroth*
Wildspire Region2Barroth*
Wildspire Region3Barroth*
Black Diablos*
Wildspire Region4Barroth (T1)*
Wildspire Region5Barroth (T1)*
Diablos (T2)*
Wildspire Region6Black Diablos (T2)*
Diablos (T2)*
Gold Rathian
Coral Region1/2Coral Pukei-Pukei*
Coral Region3Legiana
Coral Region4Paolumu (T1)*
Coral Region5Coral Pukei-Pukei (T1)*
Legiana (T2)
Odogaron (T2)
Coral Region6Legiana (T2)
Nargacuga (T2)
Silver Rathalos
Zinogre (T2)
Rotted Region1/2Great Girros*
Rotted Region3Acidic Glavenus*
Rotted Region4Radobaan (T1)*
Rotted Region5Blackveil Vaal Hazak*
Odogaron (T2)
Radobaan (T1)*
Rotted Region6Acidic Glavenus (T2)*
Blackveil Vaal Hazak*
Brute Tigrex*
Radobaan (T1)*
Volcanic Region1Dodogama*
Volcanic Region2/3Brachydios*
Volcanic Region4Lavasioth (T2)*
Seething Bazelgeuse*
Volcanic Region5Lavasioth (T2)*
Seething Bazelgeuse*
Uragaan (T2)*
Volcanic Region6Brachydios (T2)*
Lavasioth (T2)*
Uragaan (T2)*
Tundra Region1Viper Tobi-Kadachi*
Tundra Region2Barioth*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi*
Tundra Region3/4Barioth*
Shrieking Legiana*
Stygian Zinogre*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi*
Tundra Region5Barioth*
Shrieking Legiana*
Stygian Zinogre*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi (T2)*
Tundra Region6Barioth (T2)*
Shrieking Legiana (T2)*
Stygian Zinogre*
Viper Tobi-Kadachi (T2)*

Monster Spawning and Lures
The only current ways to change what monsters are currently available to hunt in the Guiding Lands is by completing/abandoning a quest or going on an expedition to another region, checking the Guiding Lands and if the monster you want to hunt hasn't spawned going on an expedition to a different region to repeat the process. It's a pain and can take a while (especially without a SSD). The other option you have is using lures that you obtain while hunting in the Guiding Lands.

Mhw extra slots 1 rarity 11

You obtain lures so by either collecting Special Tracks (more on this here in the 'Guiding Lands Special Tracks Explained' section), carving/mining parts of tempered monsters (e.g. tails, Uragaan's back) or by capturing/killing tempered monsters. Lures obtained from Special Tracks are simple enough is that they'll be of a monster that fits the type of Special Tracks bar you filled (e.g. Flying Wyvern, Brute Wyvern). For lures obtained from tempered monsters what lure you could get depends on what biome the monster you obtained the lure can spawn in. For example, if you obtain a lure from hunting a Nargacuga you could get a lure for a monster than can spawn in either the Forest Region biome or the Coral Region biome.

Whelp, that's it for this guide. As more information in regards to materials comes out I'll upgrade the materials tables if I see the need. Until then best of luck and happy hunting!


The following most recent update must be downloaded before you can access any of the online features or downloadable content for Monster Hunter: World.

PS4: Update 5.00 / Xbox One: Update

In addition to the new monster Behemoth, this update also features other improvements to gameplay.

Release Date

PlayStation®4: August 2, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: August 2, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 900 MB

Xbox One: Approximately 1GB

PS4: Update 4.01 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

PlayStation®4: June 14, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: June 14, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 92 MB

Xbox One: Approximately 79 MB

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 2.8 GB of space required; Xbox One: About 5.7 GB of space required.)

The following changes were applied at the same as update Ver. 4.00/ We apologize for the late notice.

  • With the addition of Lunastra and Teostra in update Ver. 4.00/, they have now also been added to the pool of Threat Level 3 investigations.
    The draw chance for certain tempered elder dragon investigations have been revised.
  • All Threat Level 3 investigations now have an equal chance of having increased special reward slots. Originally, varying values were used to determine the number of special reward slots for each tempered elder dragon investigation, but these have all been matched to the value for Vaal Hazak, which was the highest.
    - You may see increased special reward slots for Threat Level 3 investigations that you possessed before this fix was applied in Ver. 4.00/
    - The chance for increased special reward slots for tempered Vaal Hazak has not changed.

Major Changes

  • The search conditions have been relaxed for the Online Session 'Matchmake' search option. (If you are HR 100 or higher, 'Matchmake' may put you in Online Sessions made by players between HR 100 and HR 999.)
  • The naming method for investigations in other languages has been changed to match the Japanese. Investigation names now include the main target in addition to the quest type (hunt, capture, or slay). Affected languages include: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Spanish.
    Slaying Investigation ⇒ Slay: Great Jagras
    Hunting Investigation ⇒ Hunt: Great Jagras
    Great Hunting Investigation ⇒ Hunt: Great Jagras, etc.
    Capture Investigation ⇒ Capture: Great Jagras
  • Mistakes were corrected in the Asian version text for Traditional Chinese and Russian customer support information.
  • This update also includes other minor bug fixes.

PS4: Update 4.00 / Xbox One: Update

In addition to the new monster Lunastra, this update also features other improvements to gameplay.

Release Date

PlayStation®4: May 31, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: May 31, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 550 MB

Xbox One: Approximately 570 MB

PS4: Update 3.03 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

Wednesday, May 23 00:00 UTC (9:00 JST)

Japanese, Asian, North American versions

  • The 'Support' menu option was added to the title screen menu.

European version

  • The 'Support' menu option was added to the title screen menu.
  • 'Privacy Policy' was added to the options menu.

PS4: Update 3.02 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

PlayStation®4: April 26, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: April 26, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 90 MB

Xbox One: Approximately 80 MB

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 2.5 GB of space required; Xbox One: About 5.2 GB of space required.)

Major Changes

  • Fixed a bug where the Kulve Taroth Siege quest line would not progress correctly under certain conditions (specifically: if you speak to the Admiral out in the field when participating in another player's instance of the 'A Wound and a Thirst' or similar quests, after having collected Kulve Taroth traces but BEFORE having spoken to him separately in Astera). Players who have encountered this bug already can return to Astera and speak with the Admiral, triggering the council scene, after which the Kulve Taroth Siege will become available.
  • Fixed a bug where the great sword Wyvern Ignition 'Impact' saw its fire elemental attack value unintentionally reduced to 240. The value has been reset to 510.
  • Fixed some bugs in the data collection for the statistical summaries given to you by speaking to the First Wyverian (weapon usage, number of monsters slain, etc.). Data will be progressively reset starting on April 26. For the duration, the First Wyverian will not give out any statistical information, but this should not affect gameplay in any other way. Please note that the statistical data may be low in accuracy for a short time after the process has finished.

PS4: Update 3.01 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

PlayStation®4: April 20, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: April 20, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 82 MB

Xbox One: Approximately 75 MB

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 5.2 GB of space required; Xbox One: About 5.2 GB of space required.)

Major Changes

The update will also include various minor bug fixes.

PS4: Update 3.00 / Xbox One: Update

This update features the introduction of new monster Kulve Taroth, as well as other improvements to gameplay.

Release Date

PlayStation®4: April 19, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: April 19, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 1.2 GB

Xbox One: Approximately 1.2 GB

PS4: Update 2.01 / Xbox One: Update


With this update, we have fixed a bug related to the bow used in the Monster Hunter Championship 2018, as well as a change to the functionality of the item pouch. To the players who are planning on participating in the Monster Hunter Championship 2018, we deeply apologize for changing the design of the gameplay before the tournament begins.

Major Changes

  • In Update Ver. 2.00, a balance update was done to the bow’s Dragon Piercer attack to fix a bug where you could shoot past the attack's angle limitations. However due to this update, when the target is lined up with the reticle at a very fast speed and the Dragon Piercer fires, it was discovered that the player may not be able to face in the direction of the reticle. This has been fixed so that even if the player is aiming at a target quickly in a direction they are not facing, the reticle will still be able to aim in that direction.
    Please note that during Dragon Piercer, if the reticle is aimed at an area outside of the allowed range, the attack will fire in the direction the player is facing.
  • When selecting loadouts during Arena Quests, a bug occurred where the item window order would change. However, this has now been retooled as part of the game design.

    1.From the default cursor position, the item pouch order when checking equipment info will be from left to right.
    2.Next, the fixed items will appear in the following order, left to right: Whetstone, Capture Net, Fishing Rod, and BBQ Spit.
    3.The last items will be the specialized tools, listed from left to right.

  • Other minor bugs were fixed

PS4: Update 2.00 / Xbox One: Update

This update features the introduction of new monster Deviljho, as well as other improvements to gameplay.

Release Date

PlayStation®4: March 22, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: March 22, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 610 MB

Xbox One: Approximately 600 MB

PS4: Update 1.06 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

PlayStation®4: February 16, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: February 16, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 82 MB

Xbox One: See system for details.

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 930 MB of space required; Xbox One: See system for details.)

Major Changes

PlayStation®4 and Xbox One
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when players had 31 or more Slashberries in their item pouch at the time of the last update (PS4: Update 1.05 / Xbox One: Update where the maximum number of Slashberries a player can hold in their item pouch was reduced from 60 to 30. This update will move any Slashberries exceeding 30 in your item pouch to your item box.
  • Made additional fixes to an issue fixed in the last update (PS4: Update 1.05 / Xbox One: Update where, rarely, uninvited non-squad members could join a Squad Online Session, or Squad members could not join one of their own.
Xbox One

Mhw Extra Slots 1 Rarity 11

  • Readjusted the search algorithm when searching for another player's session to join.

PS4: Update 1.05 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

PlayStation®4: February 9, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: February 9, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 82 MB

Xbox One: See system for details.

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 930 MB of space required; Xbox One: See system for details.)

Major Changes

  • Fixed an issue where the error message 'Failed to retrieve squad information. Please wait and try again.' would appear and squad features would not be usable. However, as a result of this fix, players who were affected by this bug will have all of their squad data reset. Additionally, players in squads whose squad leaders have their data reset will also see any affiliated data disappear the next time they log in. We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience, and ask that you reform squads or reinvite players whose data are lost.
  • Fixed an issue where, rarely, uninvited non-squad members could join a Squad Online Session, or squad members could not join one of their own. Squad Online Sessions can still be joined by players outside of the squad via friend invite or Online Session ID search.
PlayStation®4 and Xbox One
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not claim the item pack '5 Million Celebration Item Pack'. The availability for this item pack has been extended to February 22, 23:59 (UTC).
  • Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, decorations would be lost.
  • Fixed an issue that occurred when selecting items with the 'Sell Items' option (from the item box inside base camp tents) by hiding the decorations tab.
  • General changes were made to bowgun ammo.
    Increased the power of Normal Ammo (1, 2, 3), Pierce Ammo (1, 2, 3), and all elemental ammo (except Dragon Ammo).
    Decreased the power of Slicing Ammo, and reduced the effect it has when hitting other players.
  • Reduced the maximum number of Slashberries you can hold in your item pouch from 60 to 30.
    Players can still use any remaining extra Slashberries if they currently have more than 30 in their item pouch.
  • Readjusted the Elderseal calculation for dragon pods.
  • Fixed an issue where information on endemic life would disappear from the Wildlife Map when moving about the field.
  • Fixed an issue where the assignment 'Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi' would not appear on the quest board after departing on a different quest in the middle of speaking with the Chief Botanist just before the quest is first assigned.
  • Fixed a rare bug that would cause players to lose control of their characters when completing a quest with certain start menu sub-menus open.

Other Changes

The update will also include various minor bug fixes.

PS4: Update 1.04 / Xbox One: Update

Release Date

PlayStation®4: February 2, 2018 (UTC)

Xbox One: February 2, 2018 (UTC)

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 81 MB

Xbox One: See system for details.

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 930 MB of space required; Xbox One: See system for details.)

Major Changes

  • Fixed an issue where, in rare cases, the assignment 'The Encroaching Anjanath' would not appear on the quest board during online play.
  • Made some readjustments to how Elderseal values are calculated.

Other Changes

The update will also include various minor bug fixes.

PS4: Update 1.03 / Xbox One: Update

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 85 MB

Xbox One: See system for details.

- Downloading this update will also apply all previous updates for players who are updating the game for the first time. (PS4: About 930 MB of space required; Xbox One: See system for details.)

Major Changes

  • Fixed an issue where you could sometimes obtain an inappropriate amount of research points or items when completing bounties.
  • Fixed two issues concerning hunting horn actions.
    1. Fixed an issue where you sometimes couldn't perform a dodge cancel before the melody effects are applied during an Encore.
    2. Fixed an issue where a Performance would sometimes not trigger a shockwave attack.

Other Changes

The update will also include various minor bug fixes.

Update Overview
PS4: Update 1.02 / Xbox One: Update

Extra Slots 1 Augment Mhw Iceborne

This update addresses bugs and issues that have been discovered since the start of the third beta test.

Release Date

January 26

PS4: Includes the contents of the previously announced update 1.01.
Xbox One: Includes the contents of the previously announced update

Required Space

PlayStation®4: Approximately 850 MB
Xbox One: See system for details.

Major Changes

Adjustments were made to address the issue of excessive hits registering when using certain weapons in combination with items and abilities like torch pods, Wyvernblast, large barrel bombs, Health Boosters, and shock traps.

Other Changes

The update will also include various minor bug fixes.

Update Overview
PS4: Update 1.01 / Xbox One: Update

This update must be applied before you can access any of the game's online features.

Additional System Features

  • Multiplayer, event quests, chat functionality, and other online features
  • Now able to claim content via the Housekeeper in your room
  • Gallery Mode added to the title menu
    The gallery allows you to view all of the cutscenes you have watched so far in the game. The player character that appears in the cutscenes will vary depending on which save data you have loaded.

Poogies Added

Once you have made enough progress in the story, a Poogie will appear in the tradeyard in Astera. Get the Poogie to warm up to you by petting it in just the right way! Once it's friendly with you, pick it up and carry it to different places throughout Astera... and you might just be rewarded for your kindness!

Additional Display Languages

In addition to Japanese, English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish, the following languages will be added.
Additional voices will not be added.

  • Additional display languages vary by region.
    - North America, South America: Brazilian Portuguese
    - Europe, Middle East, Oceania, Africa, India: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian
    - Asia: Traditional Chinese, Korean
    - Japan: no additional display languages

Other Changes

The update will also include various minor bug fixes.