Lta 4 Year Slot

admin  4/11/2022

You can use the form below to book the Hawkchurch Tennis Court if you are a member of the club.

Ans.: No, LTA cannot be claimed twice for the same journey. Que.: Can LTA be brought forward? Ans.: Yes, if an Employee does not avail LTA during the block of 4 years, he can utilize the pending LTA in the first year of the subsequent block and thus can travel more three times in the same block of years. Dec 25, 2019 LTA (Leave Travel Allowance), is a benefit provided by almost all employers to their employees which provide income tax benefit. One can claim LTA for two times in a block of 4 years. Employees would take leave, enjoy their travel and claim this as reimbursement where income tax is not deducted. An employee can make LTA claim for two journeys in a block of four years. These block years are different from Financial Years and created by Income Tax Department. Currently, we are in the block year of 1st January 2014- 31st December 2017.

Please note we are not able to support casual ‘pay as you play’ players at the moment, but we have drastically reduced our membership fees for the year to encourage players to join and play.

Due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic we are opening the court with conditions according to government guidelines and after considering recommendations from the LTA.

Lta 4 Year Slot

To minimise the interaction of players we are allowing bookings for two hour time slots during the day, with a 30 minute gap. Please keep within your time-slot and follow the guidance set out below.

Membership fees have been drastically reduced this year as we cannot easily deal with casual tennis players payments. It is easy to join and you will be able to book the court online.

Government guidance permits:

  • up to four players from the same household to play or,
  • singles matches between different households.

You must observe social distancing and good hand hygiene at all times.

We will set the net to the correct height so that you do not need to worry about it. We will slacken the tension if there is to be a prolonged period of rain or windy weather, or if the court is not booked for a significant period.

We will operate an online booking system to ensure different groups of players can avoid contact. We will discontinue the honesty box and booking diary to avoid handling cash and other materials.

We will keep up to date with the guidance and advise members of any changes.

Bring a glove or cloth that you can use to open the padlock and enter the court – the padlock is new so should be easier to set the code for opening and closing than the previous one.

Do not open the benches unless you need the first aid kit and if possible avoid hand contact with them.

Bring your own equipment and balls. The bench with the equipment and balls will be padlocked.

The LTA have set out fuller recommendations for safe play. These include that players should use their own kit, including balls and avoid changing ends. If playing with a member of a different household it is recommended that you mark your balls and only use your own balls for serving. You can read the full LTA guidance here: lta-guidance-for-tennis-players—covid-19.

Amruta Rajput

Amruta Rajput
Dear All,
I need your help regarding LTD rule. We want to add LTA as salary element for giving Tax benefit to our employees. what will be the replication as a part of employer. Is their required compliance's of any Law? Is this attract PF contribution? What is the other thing which is to be taken care while adding LTA as salary component.

From India, Pune
1.No, LTA do not attract PF contribution.
2. There are predetermined blocks of four calendar years; the first block began in 1986 to 1989, the next block was 1990 to 1993 and so on. You can claim exemption for up to two journeys in a block of four calendar years.
You can claim exemption for up to two journeys in a block of four calendar years. The current block is 2010 to 2013.” Simply put, if you have claimed an LTA exemption in 2010, then you can claim one more till 2013.
If you are not able to make a claim in a block, there is a carry forward facility available.You can carry forward one journey, that too only in the first calendar year in the next block of four years. So in such a case, in the next block, you can claim three LTA exemptions in total.
3. How to make a claim?
Give a written declaration to your employer with travel details and the amount spent. As per the Supreme Court, if you submit a declaration stating the amount you spent, you don’t need to give the actual bills. We recommend you do keep the tickets handy in case your employer or the tax authorities need to see it later.

From India, Kota

Lta 4 Year Slot Machine

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