Private Gambling Rehab

admin  4/14/2022
  • Find Gambling Treatment Centers in Massachusetts. 'Ellenhorn is the most comprehensive and integrative private community-based mental health program in the country. Geared to individuals 18.
  • Gambling addiction treatment centers In Pennsylvania. List of all Gambling addiction treatment facilities - ratings, address, treatment models, maps, websites, and more.
Problematic Gambling Can Have A Devastating Impact On Personal Finances, However, Gambling Addiction Ultimately Costs A Lot More Than Money.

Gambling can be used as a mechanism to avoid difficult feelings. At the outset the person starts to bet and is enticed by the excitement and rushes of adrenaline. This part of the process is similar to other addictions however it can be hidden easier in gambling hence it is referred to as the ‘secret’ addiction.

As with other addictions, those spiralling into deeper cycles of gambling can feel isolated and increasingly desperate and deluded in their pursuit for chasing losses. Personal relationships, work, family and social life are often troubled or neglected in favour of gambling and coincide with increasingly secretive behaviours and deceit. This more often than not leads to a deepening sense of shame or denial. Those close to the gambler are effected by this progressive behavioural addiction.


While problematic gambling may be triggered by stress and a feeling of uneasiness, it is maintained by a deep sense of shame, desperation, loneliness and isolation.

Warning signs of Gambling Addiction include:

  • Gambling for longer periods than intended
  • Secretive Gambling
  • Gambling to recover losses
  • Gambling for longer periods than intended
  • Gambling larger amounts of money to maintain high
  • Less time spent with family and friends
  • Responsibilities neglected at home and work
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Sleep problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Become defensive when asked about gambling

Gambling addiction treatment program options include other therapeutic methods as well. Psychotherapy, or the practice of dealing with gambling triggers through individual and group counseling sessions, can lead to many of the same results as cognitive behavioral therapy, including isolating causes and reversing misperceptions. Gambling addiction treatment program options include other therapeutic methods as well. Psychotherapy, or the practice of dealing with gambling triggers through individual and group counseling sessions, can lead to many of the same results as cognitive behavioral therapy, including isolating causes and reversing misperceptions.

While the above list may help identify the problem, it is important to understand that every gambler is unique and needs a treatment program that is tailored to them. Our private gambling addiction treatment is personalised for each client and ensures recovery in a luxurious and comfortable setting.


RósGlas Recovery provide specialist therapy for problematic gambling and gambling addiction. We respect the confidentiality needs of our clients and provide exclusive help for gambling addiction in privacy and luxury.Our comprehensive assessments inform both our clients and our team of the underlying factors associated with gambling. Based on our assessments we then devise a truly individualised programme in order to offer you the most tailored and targeted therapy intervention. We only ever treat one client at a time – no groups or group therapy. Treatment for gambling addiction takes place in secluded and discrete location in Ireland.We devise completely tailored treatment programmes in order to treat this behavioural addiction, at the same time addressing any underlying causal factors in order to offer the best possible comprehensive therapeutic approach.Our private gambling addiction treatment includes:
  • One client at a time – dedicated professional team focused on your treatment and care
  • Specialist live-in therapist with expertise in gambling addiction and related issues
  • Individually tailored holistic treatment approach incorporating mind, body & spirit
  • Psychological therapies
  • Biochemical and nutritional screening, assessments and targeted therapy
  • Full medical check-up
  • Personal training, life coaching
  • Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation
  • A range of complimentary therapies & excursions
  • Personal chef, driver and maid services
  • Family Therapy and support for loved ones
  • Treatment is provided in luxurious settings and lush Irish countryside. Our therapists visit you in your private luxury residence to provide all sessions in confidential, private, comfortable and secure settings
  • We assign all our clients with a pseudonym to further protect confidentiality
  • Intensive therapy retreats ranging from a suggested 3-8 weeks depending on individual cases for gambling addiction
  • Pioneering continuing care services
Comfort and discretion is always assured.


We only ever treat one client at a time. We identify the underlying psychological, biochemical and social causes and treat them successfully.This method provides the best opportunity of long term recovery.


Private Gambling Rehab Near Me

Each client is treated by a team of over 10 specialists with a 24/7 live in therapist available throughout your stay. This helps us tailor your treatment program to address your specific needs.


We ensure 100% comfort, confidentiality and privacy in your temporary Irish home.You will stay in a luxury residence equipped with personal chef, maid and driver at your service.

CALL US:+353 1 458 3575


Gambling Rehab

One of the most overlooked and disregarded aspects of addiction is the addiction of gambling. There are treatment centers that claim to address gambling but often they fall short of the mark. When searching for a center for gambling addiction pay particular attention to the treatment provided. Ask questions such as, “is gambling treatment the focus of your facility”? As with any other addiction when it comes to Gambling Rehab or Treatment you should also gather all relevant information of the treatment process such as will I see an individual therapist? How often? What is my day schedule like?

What can I bring to treatment? Will my family be involved?

Gambling addiction destroys people, families, careers, and can negatively effect an entire community. In order to recover from a gambling addiction treatment that includes therapy, education, family intervention, money management, as well as health and wellness may be the most successful option for a full and permanent recovery.

Private Gambling Rehab Centers

Gambling addiction is often misunderstood and goes years without detection by an individual or family. Gambling itself as an issue in our country is filled with contradictory messages, our governments often oppose it yet they utilize lottery to raise funds for education, our churches oppose it yet fundraisers are often run via raffle, race-night, or Las Vegas nights! For the gambler they get consumed in the chase they believe they fall to bad luck, or their hot-streak keeps them on a tear until they crash and burn!

If you or a loved one suffers from a gambling addiction you have come to the right place at we can guide you to a center that will assist you in overcoming this terrible affliction once and for all!

Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling or problem gambling, affects people of all walks of life, showing no prejudice. You can bet on spots, buy lottery ticks and scratch offs, casino games, or even online gambling and have a gambling addiction. This puts strain on your personal relationships, cause difficulties at work and home, and destroy your finances. Gambling addiction can bring the addict to a point in life they never dreamed of getting to; stealing money to support your addiction, ignore other financial responsibilities to gamble. You may even owe out large amounts of money to banks, or even bookies. Those addicted to gambling are at a high risk of suicide, for many it seem like the only way out; its not there are self help groups, inpatient and outpatient addiction programs you can go to for help.

What is a gambling addiction?

Private Clinic Gambling

There are two types of gambling addiction, compulsive gambling and problem gambling. Both range in severity both both have similar results on ones personal life and finances.

Compulsive Gambling

Gambling addiction, in its severe state it is known as compulsive gambling, is a type of impulse-control disorder. Those with a gambling addiction such as compulsive gambling can’t control the impulse to gamble regardless to the effect it has on their life and the lives of those who are close to them. Gambling begins to consume the individual and is all they can think about or want to do regardless to its negative effects. Those addicted to gambling will keep gambling despite their financial situation and mental state. Even while on a loosing streak an cumpulsive gambling addict can’t stop.

Problem Gambling

Those gamblers who have a problem yet remain in control are called problem gamblers, it is still an addiction just not nearly as severe as compulsive gambling. Problem gambling can cause negative effects on ones life. The problem gambler is consumed by spending more and more time and money on gambling regardless to the serious consequences it may have.

Treatment for Gambling addiction

There are many treatment option available to those with gambling addictions. Those who are problem gamblers are often able to stop on their own, using self help groups such as Gamblers anonymous for support. Compulsive gamblers often need more support with stopping their addiction, using inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities for help.