Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda
- Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Grass Seed
- Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Bay
- Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Grass
- Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Golf
Blackjack Bermudagrass offers a deep dark green color, strong drought tolerance, and quick traffic recovery. This low maintenance bermudagrass provides a carpet like density and once established has good cold tolerance.
Landscape Planting Rate: Plant in the spring at a rate of 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet at 1/4 inch deep.
The different types of bermuda grass, in general, are hybrid bermuda grass and common bermuda grass. Varieties that fall in between include Yuma, Oasis, Ormond, Mohawk, Tifton 85, Russell, Coastal, Tiflawn, TifSport, Tifway II and TifGrand bermuda grass. You can choose from these for your lawn, hay, or even golf course use.
BLACKJACK Bermuda grass Perennial Warm Season Introduced Seeded Variety BLACKJACK Bermudagrass is a warm season, introduced, perennial turf grass. It is primarily used in Athletic Fields, Parks, Golf Courses (Tees & Fairways) and Home or Commercial Lawns. Some of the most renowned types of seeded Bermuda grass include Princess Bermuda, Yuma, Sahara, and Blackjack to name a few. Hybrid Bermuda Grass. Hybrid Bermuda, also called sterile vegetative hybrids, are those types of Bermuda grass that have been specially created from a cross between Common Bermuda and the African Bermuda.
A 5 lb. bag should cover 2,500 square feet. (Or a 50' x 50' area.)
A 10 lb. bag should cover 5,000 square feet. (Or a 100' x 50' area.)
A 25 lb. bag should cover 12,500 square feet. (Or a 125' x 100' area.)
With all the hybridization of turf grasses out there, therecan be some confusion between the hybrid grasses and the non-hybrid grass seed.
To give an understanding of how and why turf grasses aredesigned, lets look at it like this. Poodles are smart dogs that do not shedand Labrador Retrievers are loyal, fun water dogs that shed like crazy. Whenyou breed the two dogs, you get a Labradoodle which is a very smart Labradorthat does not shed.
Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Grass Seed
Grasses are no different in the fact that we find 2 grasseswith different, desirable traits and we breed them to create a more desirablegrass. Tiftway 419 Bermuda Grass is certainly a popular Hybrid Bermuda, bredfor its dark blue-green color and its thick, short growth. I was cutting a yardand thought that it was a great learning opportunity for us and that we couldlearn a few things from it.

The yard below is a great example of why we want a hybridover a seed Bermuda and why we do not overseed a hybrid. This yard was not cutfor 2 weeks and the first half of the yard is Hybrid Tiftway 419 and the secondhalf is common Bermuda seed. The Hybrid in the pictures below show that in 2weeks, it may have grown 2 inches and when cut, it remains thick, green andbeautiful. Once the mower works its way into the common seeded Bermuda, youwill see that in 2 weeks, it had grown 8 to 10 inches and when it is cut, thereis no green and you just see sparse runners that look bad.
The picture below goes from the common seeded Bermuda to theHybrid.
Hybrid Bermuda to common seeded Bermuda below.
Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Bay
Hybrid grasses are bred for desirable traits in othergrasses. Many of these traits include shade tolerance, disease resistance,compact growth and color. As a result of this breeding however, these grassesproduce a sterile seed head which is why you will not find a hybrid seed.
I often have customers come into the store to get seed tothrow over their Hybrid Bermuda to thicken it up. First I ask 'Is the areathat is struggling getting some shade?'. If the answer is yes then Iexplain that no Bermuda seed will tolerate shade and that will not fix theproblem. If the answer is that there is no shade, that's when we walk to thetool rental department to rent a core aerator to aerate their yard.
Bermuda is very popular with golf courses. Their soils areprimarily sand in these areas. Our Georgia soil is primarily clay. Coreaeration, along with top dressing the lawn with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of sand willfix the problem with a struggling Bermuda lawn by softening up the soil andmaking the ground more porous, allowing a deeper healthier root system. This isthe solution to a struggling Bermuda lawn that is not getting shade. If youhave a big bare area and Sod is not in the budget, Bermuda seed is a goodsolution.
Common Bermuda after 2 weeks, cut at 2.5 inches.
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